FOCIR, alongside the Barcelona Delegates of the European Commission and the Municipal Council for International Development Cooperation at the Barcelona City Council, has developed an educational programme with the aim of providing training for professionals who wish to participate in the planning, design and management of projects financed by the European Union, whether via public or private bodies.
The course was held in two sessions in order to accommodate all those applying, both FOCIR members and non-members. The training consisted in raising awareness of the different policies, sectoral programmes and subsidy types in the EU, as well as to develop the necessary skills for planning and managing European projects.
1st session of the Course on Managing European Projects
Dates: 3, 8, 10, 15 & 17 July
Time and place: 6.00 pm – 9.00 pm at the offices of the Associació Catalana de la Premsa Comarcal (c/ Hospital, 110, Barcelona)
2nd session of the Course on Managing European Projects
Dates: 16, 18, 25 & 30 September and 2 October
Time and place: 6.00 pm – 9.00 pm at the offices of the Associació Catalana de la Premsa Comarcal (c/ Hospital, 110, Barcelona)